the blog of a life-time

the rants that saved my life

Tuesday, July 22, 2003

at work. fifnally sitting at my own desk with my own phone and puta!!

have only taken 13 calls today..... but sent about 63 emails.. mostly all to melinda... my partner in call centre crime.

i have this fear that we are going to end up like those guys ont he snack stop commercial. we've already discussed getting empty cups connected with string to make little phone things....

Monday, July 21, 2003

no news....

nothing happened.

got up scooted to work. worked. scooted home via the baked potato shop.

now i'm waiting for big brother to start.

going to see Placebo morrow night.

that's about all i got for you.

Sunday, July 20, 2003

ok check this out...

you know how i got a scooter the other day...

well this is from the owners manual:

Things not covered in this warranty:
B. (3) defects caused by external influences like coal smoke, bird shit, medicine.


i laughed so hard i was crying!

i love gretel!!!


i was just crying coz it was soooo beautiful!

oh tear!

we went to the church fete down the road today..... got some totally tops baclava


Clea is being all grumbumbley

just a few moments ago she was sitting at my feet barking up a storm!

just barking at me and then pulling at my sleeve...if she was a kangaroo called skippy i'd know there were aliens landing or hat a small child had fallen down a well....or that native bird smugglers were stuffing parrots into PVC piping and sending them off to arabia or asia or whereever illegal birds are sent..

poor little birds

but i digress..

and i have lost all power of spelling

so i decided to see if she really did have soemthing to show me....i stood up and let her pull my sleeve and then she went and sat under the coffee table

and then laid down and has been sulking ever since...

now she's got up and gone to cuddle up to matt....

i wish i could understand barks.

i'm sure it would add endless amusement to my life!

watching big brother...

very excited to find out who is going to be evicted....

for those of you not on the east coast....

IT'S TIME TO GO... Daniel!!!!!!!!!!!!!

so this means..... THAT A GIRL IS GOING TO WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


i'm a bit sad for Dan, but you just know that this is going to lead to big things for him.