the blog of a life-time

the rants that saved my life

Friday, July 18, 2003



My very very wonderful husband did a very very wonderful thing today!!

we have been having a bit of trouble with certain financial institution...

so i thought we wouldn't be getting the scooter til next week and i was totally bummed.

i had such a shitty day at work and was very very over the whole thing....


then at about 4.30pm i rang matt and asked how it was all going...

he said he was sitting on the back of a ute with the scooter and that he had picked it up to surprise me ?!?!

I was soooooooooooooooooooooo happy!!

practically bounced home!

got home had some dinner and put on our delorian helmets and then took the baby for a test drive.

its so cool!

did one lap up and down the street (well the side street...out street is a bit too major traffic for test driving...)

then matt got on and we gave the whole pillion thng a go.

never dinked anyone before..

it was a bit weird at first.... matt was obviously freaking out leaning in all the wrong directions...
it was very cute.... but kinda scary

anyway we finally got it sorted....

went through all the back streets practising turning and leaning together and stopping and starting....

then we headed out into proper traffic....hit a top speed of about 45km/h and it felt like we were going 150km

matt was wetting himself :)

which made me freak out.... but we kept it together made it home and locked the bike up.

can't wait til tomorrow!??!

going out to breakfast with elissa, thorny and hamish.

i think we're going to shortblock.

so anyway,

i'm very happy.

very in love

very content

joy oh joy!

love you everyone...

Thursday, July 17, 2003

matt just pulled out a hair from his face and then then OUCH in surprise?!?!?

clea has some fluoro yellow fluff in her mouth that she's just ripped from the wings of her stuffed bird toy.

Io is sitting most contently in from of the heater....

and I am writting my blogg

we had dinner at this very cool little balinese resturant.

it was quite early for dinner like 6pm.....and the resturant was empty and we thought we'd have our pick of the tables

the hostess says ' do you have a reservation?"

we thought she was being funny.....

as we walked in there was a raised platform thing with big pillows and a low table you sit around.... matt said "hey lets sit up there!"

i said that they wouldn't let us coz we wre only 2 and the table could fit more...

the hostess came back and said the only spot they had was on the platform tingo


so we kicked off our shoes and got comfy in the cushions

the food was sooooo good.

we ordered way too much... but it was delicious.

on the way back to the car we walked past htis guy who was wearing the same perfume as hamish...i'm never sure which one it is... I love it!!!

so anyway i said how i liked hamish's perfume.... matt said the only scent he was wearing was a delightful little fragrance called Man Stench - a subtle mix of dog poo, vomit and sweat!


so we giggled all the way back down victoria street.

we were very giggley all the way home actually

we stopped at the Foodsafe to pick up yummy goodness.

was going to get some ice cream but this supermarket has this really really good natural yoghurt..

its like magic


I love my dogs

they are just soooo cute

they wre just snuggling up together.....

Io does this thing where she just keeps tapping you until you pat her...

and clea puts her nose under your hands so you're forced to pay attention to her...

well i'm going to watch days of our lives now.


on a break....

matty didnt' go to work to day so he's at home with the

poor little sicklies.

i'm starting to make my desk my own....

i find the whole concept both ridiculous yet comforting..... its wierd.
but i like that i have a little space that is mine ... but mostly i think i like that i get a chance to decorate something

the possibilities are endless...

i wonder if i could get a turtle?!?

prolly not enough i think i'll get a siamese fighter fishy....and i'm going to get some pins and put up some photos and stuff liket hat.

the big bad about my desk is that my back is to everyone.... so potentially there could a growing crwod reading over my shoulder and until i hear their baited breathes i wouldn't know...
oh well.

our crazy neighbour.... the one who keeps inviting the local criminal element to stay over at his house....always puts htese lovely little cards under my door....

the cards are usualy little pieces of art...the one he put under the door yesterday is of a woman in a very sensible red ress sitting on a ladder reading a book. its very simple and just so thoughtful and beautiful.

speaking of beautiful things...

i listened to that Gorecki cd i bought yesterday.

the first peice is just so beautiful.

i wish i could think of a better word.

i think its called sorrowful symphany... but i'll check when i get home.

it starts off with just two double basses playing this almost very simple melody... then its joined by some cellos then viola then violin....etc.... they all playing 5ths apart and its just so powerful.

then at the 15min mark a soprano voice kicks in...

i just want to get home and listen to it again,.

the piece goes for 25 minutes...

ther are two other pieces athat i haven't quite got into yet.

gotta go

Wednesday, July 16, 2003

i just realised my hands look like my mum's and like my grandmother's too..... though hers are quite old old old and cruddy.

but you know how when you're looking at magazines and all those hot bods.... like Madonna for example.... and she is hot and has this amazing toned and muscley body and then you look at her hands... and her face... and she really does see in her late 40's

well i think i'm getting old hands

i'm freaking out about my old hands..

so anyway... meanwhile the dogs are still sick.

oh and i bought 2 new cd's today.

one called 'eargasm' by plump DJ's.

and a classical music cd.... pieces by gorecki. as in the guy tha lamb wrote that beautiful song about.

i'm looking forward to loving it

clea... my dog is barking her head off at absolutely nothing.

Josh, my now friend but one time true love... told me this story years ago about how if you ever want to distract a dog from something or make it like you...give it ear wax

just so you know.... it works.

clea and Io are like mortal enemies these days.

i swear the reason they are still sickly and behaving like crazies is because they miss me when i'm at work.

and i miss them

i'd rather have no money and be able to stay at home with the puppies....

anyway i'm going to watch my recording of days of our lives.

the freaking dogs are going psycho.

this here is a story for all the fella's who try to do what our ladies tell us... get shot down for being over zealous then play hard to get to.....

what is the bit after that??!?!!?!?

help me?!?!?!

Tuesday, July 15, 2003





i've had several songs stuck in my head today.

so there was Micheal Jackson...

the big ones though were:


over and over andover.....

and the others were:

(you know the one)




this is what i've resorted to in order to make the days pass by quicker...


see i can't even speak engligh anymore

I think we're going to have a BBQ for dinner!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!

i reckon the best thing about BBQ is the smell of the cooking goodness!

i really miss our sunday night ex-pat BBQ's

i think we're picking up our scooter either morrow of thursday


we went and chose our helmets on the weekend..

they're like delorians. they're full face helmets that have these little slides at the bottom that make the jaw part of the helmet flip up over your head...

ok that makes it sound like a crazy helmet.

we were going to get these helmets that looked like storm trooper wars storm trooper not the rise of evil kind.

had a fun weekend.

on friday night after work i went to get my nails done.

i think i'm having issue with my technician

she's a bit of a sadist. i still have wounds

and their nail polish is shoddy. it flakes off and is generally no good.

so anyway, after my nails i met up with Matt hamish dan and two of matt's work nerds.

they had had a few drinks and were eating as much free peanuts and spicy noodles as they could stuff in their gobs.

i had a cocktail a "west indies yellow bird' it was ok.

then we all went home Hayley met up with us and we all caught the train home , got fish and chips and had a pleasant dinner together.


on saturday we discovered that matt's dad was randomly in town we met him at his hotel and went to Fed square for lunch. we ate at Funk fish. i like that place.

lunch was most delicious...and then we went to check out teh exhibits a ACMI. where we ran into a few of Matt's old friends who live in Sydney.

we had a chat made vague plans to meet up and then spent a glorious hour listening to free chamber music in the BMW auditorium. that space is fucking amazing

its all that strange shaped glass and it looks out over the yarra..... when the sun comes out the whole room lights up...

the piano trio (piano violin and cello) played two peices. one by Hayden and the other by Ravel.

it was just beautiful.

i was so lost in my was so nice to just sli back into the music headspace.

i was sitting there and my heart was racing a million miles an hour.... like when your about to perfrom or public speak... that healthy adrenalin that reminds you your alive and that you have it in you to rock this world.

but for me it was a reminder that i have it in me and i'm wasting it

i get the same feeling during the question time after sitting through a couch critic. the ANTICI



once my work hours settle i'm going to get back into music. i am going to start taking violin lessons.

Hey hamish.... do you have your cello here in melb?

as i was listening and blissing i was thinking about hamish and his cello.

if i had a bigger house i would so get my piano sent over....

hamish do you miss the cello?

so anyway we did the music thing... and then matt's dad caught a taxi and went of to perth.

saturday night i have no recolection of actually...ummm

can't rememrb

sunday...ummmmm we went somewhere....did something... came home had some junk food and had a nap and then watched some tv.

then it was monday.

we had a rent inspection yesterday.

which sucked. i hate them. i hate it that we have to clean everything and get all freaked out and hide the dogs... well not really...but balla

and then the real estate whore said we had to kee the dogs outside during the day?!?!?!?

what's all that about?

what's all that about?