the blog of a life-time

the rants that saved my life

Thursday, July 03, 2003

still aaat work. this blog thing is going to work out well.

i'm at work an just using the putes for blogging... it has begun!!!

i just wanted to tell you all a story about my ONCE AGAIN TRAGIC TRAIN TRIP TO WORK.

so anyway as we were walking to the train station this morning this CRAZY asian guy was standing at teh top of the ramp with his hand out as if to shake your hand and laughing and talking to matt saygin stuff like " hahahahaha you have to go to work"

so i thought that matt knew this guy.

once we got to the top on the ramp it became apparent that matt didn't know this guy...coz he just walked right past him.

the crazy guy looked a little bit upset.... but i was curious and turned around to see what he was going to do next and he was doing the same thing to the other ppl coming up the ramp.

it was hilarious

"hahaha you have to go to work!!?"

then he came over to me and shook my hand and laughingly said "you going to work?"

i was a bit scared.

not coz he might do something but more coz i had this feeling that i might catch crazy from him,

its a superstition thing.

but it got me thinking.

It must be really strange to be a crazy person!

and also fun too i guess..... assuming you weren't the depressive kind of crazy anyway.

gott to go


Wednesday, July 02, 2003

oh wait.

the whole morning that we were sitting through our lessons on how to do our job.... all i could think about was this totally stoopid tought.

you know how back in the day when men were gentlemen....and when they met a lady they would take her hand and kiss it...

and i was wondering how and why that became acceptable.

and who started it and why did it spread?

like seriously... think about it,

who would think it would be ok to take someone's extended hand and kiss it?

so while i was putting on my 'oh yes i'm not only listenind bu i'm also understanding and caring about everything you say' face

i'm very good at that face.

so our inductor was looking right at me and talking to me and i was thinking about mollusc's, ween and wrist kissing!



i'm so over this 9-5 thing.

i hate it that it takes me an hour to get home when IF I HAD A SCOOTER (matt i hope your paying attention) i could be home in like 10 minutes.

and i wouldn't have to sit at the train station breathing in second hand smoke....


some people think my anti-smoker views are perhaps a little harsh..... but they can go fuck themselves.

so anyway, i'm sitting at the station and i have to keep moving seats every few minutes coz YET ANOTHER FUCKUP SMOKER has decided to smoke near me.

so i had to wait 23 minutes for my train and the whole time all i could smell was smoke. and the noise and the cold and the everything of it was making me nauseous and my head ache and my eyes sting and my hair smell gross and I JUST WANTED TO RUN AROUND SCREAMING AND PUSHING ALL THE SMOKERS ONTO TRACKS.

matt i need a scooter STAT.

and then i could drop you off in the morning....and pick up up for lunch and stuff.

YAY for scooters.

so anyway, work was ok i guess.

we went through some stuff.... had to spend most of the day in a small small testing room.

it sucked.

made a friend though.

her name is melinda and she's tops.

we had a big chat. she told me all about her friend who is an air traffic controller.

i'm so into the idea of air trafffic controlling.


i'm too tired to care anymore about my story.

i'll get back to you after i make and eat some chocolate mousse.

Tuesday, July 01, 2003

so i have some stuff called 'Lindauer fraise'

its pretty gross.

its like a crappy champagne and strawberrry.

so today was the second day at my new job.

yesterday sucked ass.

i was so going to quit.

the whole office thing is a bit much for me.

our training is pretty boring.

they mostly keep putting us with our "buddy".

my buddy is this guy called 'CHRIStopher'

he has big big curly fro hair. he's of Maltese descent but totally oz.

he's in a band!!!!!! (yes he's a musician) he plays bass.

he has a radio show on some community anyway at first i thought he was a total tosser.

and that is not a term i throw around lightly!!

but he's ok i guess.

but the good thing about him is that he's showing me the ropes....he dodgey ropes but that's all good.

so according to this guy, you can "work" and run his business at teh same time!

so his band is called 'supercede'. indie rock apparently. i'm keen to listen to some of their stuff.

so anyway, at work we have our own email address and are forced to check our email open all day coz we get about 60 internal memo's a day!!!!!?!?!?!?

we also have full internet access at our he has like 5 windows open...and he's a big fan of e55.

my team is pretty lame other than him, sadly.

so after my rocky start things were a bit better today.

i'm really looking forward to when our stupid training is over and i can leave after 5 hours.

i get to choose my desk. i'm going to choose one near the window. and its near plants so i'm hoping that'll mean i'll get extra oxygen and stuff.

i can't believe i have a TEAM LEADER!!!!!!!!! the whole thing is totally hilarious to me. it so feels like i'm just on work experience or something. it really doens't feel real or serious or anything.

and i'm being such a wanker.

its like i said.....i don't really have any vested interest in this job. i'm very very relaxed about it and i'm just behaving like such a fucking twat.

i'm loving it!!

i think it's coz i haven't had work mates for other a year.... i've forgotten how to make friends and influence people.

so that's why it hink that after my initial mega dislike of chrisTOPHER i think he'll be a good rolemodel for me.

in other news... i'm going to get a scooter. as in a vespa not a razor scooter.

as soon as tax money gets back.

i'm going to get a PGO.

ummmm wht else.

oh yeah.

so with this new job i should be able to blog all day!!

this is the only thing i'm really looking forward to. getting paid to blog!

and i'm looking forward to having a desk to cover in crap.

i've already got it planned.

I'm going to have a vase that will always have flowers in it. and i'm going to have action figures and spongey balls pictures of the pupplies and of matt and that one of Dave gahan's ass!! ( see hamish's blog for a peek)

and blablabla

so you're beginning to see how not seriously i'm taking this job.

which is a huge relief after the stres of the last month.

ok CSI is on so i will finish up so i can concentrate ...

but i just want to say how excellent "and then nothing turned itself inside out" by Yo Lo Tengo is. its a brilliant album

when i bought it, i liked it... but i've been listening to it heaps lately and i lOVE IT>

so if you're so inclined....check it out.


well well well... i'm sooooooooooo fucking exhausted.

but first i want to tell you a story about an apple.

ages ago... and seriously i mean ages ago... like at least 2 months ago....yeah actually i can tell you exactly when it was... 16th May 2003.

i bought some apples. they a new variety of apple and i totally LOVED THEM the variety is called ORIN.

the little sticker ont he apples says " from the ORIN end of the world"

so anyway, these apples taste like toffee apples....but without the toffee.

so i bought like 3kg of these apples.

and i ate lots of them and matt ate some and the puppies liked them too... but then i forgot about them...

and just then i was thinking about how i'd love to have one of those apples tight now. and i went to the fridge and there on the third shelf, behind the slightly dead lettuce and crunchy carrots was a bag with about 1/2 kilo of these ORIN apples.

i decided to check it out.....i mostly thoguht i'd be them out.... but they are still perfect!

crunchy, and tasty and TOPS!

so these apples are like miracle apples!!

which brings me to another topic altogether.

the remote control for the video. where the boogaty is it??

i'm going to go et some alcohol

Sunday, June 29, 2003

having a very very lazy day.

had such a good nights sleep... prolly the best sleep i've had in months...

we were going to get up early and do house cleaning.... but so far all we've mnaged is a few laods of washing.

its cold and rainy inside in my fluffy dressing-gown with puppies snuggled up under my legs is a great place to be.

we;re just watching some Buffy. watching the end of season 6. i'm thinking i might even sart over from the beginning again.

every 6 months or so i like to start from the beginning and work my way through them all... and i now have 6 seasons on DVD and season 7 on my laptop.

i've really got to start collecting Angel.

i've added some stuff to my blog. like a counter and a comment/guestbook thing. i'm not sure why.... or even if i like them. it was mosly an experiment for me to see if i could figure out how to even do it....and i did. Matt seems proud :)

last ngiht was fun.

went to John's going away party. it was at koo koo.

twas pretty cool. didn't stay long but had a bit of quality time with john. also found this girl that went to uwa about a million years ago.

Jo. she's just the most gorgeous girl. Hamish was highly impressed. i did my bit and set up the introductions.

i hope she does call. it'd be cool to have another 'girl' friend.

b4 we went to koo koo. we hung out at hamish and andrew's place. had a few beers and danced about. hamish showed us his pics of his trip to Canberra and his meeting with JOHN HOWARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

pretty cool.

wento to double was bursting at the seems with some professional wankers, so we elbowed our way through to use the toilets. which were pretty crappy. then elbowed our way out again. jumped on a tram and went back to H&A's.

chatted some more and decided we were very very old.

then we dropped the boys off at dream and we went home.

it was a lovley evening.