the blog of a life-time

the rants that saved my life

Thursday, June 19, 2003

no actually i am not finished.

next door's flat is soooooooooo vile.

seriously.... we were out int hte hall for like 5 minutes and i smell like i've been out clubbing all night.

not to mention is incontinent cat and thewretching stench that creates.

i want to move ASAP>


i'm such an angry little girl

ok. i'm over the puta thing

i have other news.

firstly. i think i somehow forog to mention that i went to daylsford on monday. or did i?

anyway i did, with katy.

it was cool.

did the whole mineral aerospa bath thing. had pela mud, roseotto oil and frankencense oil.

it looked like a giant bath of black tea.

check the links for pics.

my other news is that we went to the premiere of CHARLIE'S ANGELS - FULL THROTTLE

and can please recommend that everyone RUN to the cinema to go see it.

it was sooooo good. like just really fun and those girls are HOT. Demi moore is the most gorgeous woman in the world. and you should see how awesome she looks in her tiny black bikini!!

there are heaps of cameos too


i don't have to work tomorrow so i think i might stay up and watch King of the Hill.

i've decided that i'm totally over my guilt thing.

they don't deserve my loyalty as much as i thought they did.

I so totally badly want a new house.

this one sux ass.
i was just out in the hall way chatting witht eh neighbours.....which is cool.... but my direct next door neighbour's flat stinks like all sorts of bad,.

plus he smokes.

makes me want to vomit.

i swear that the passive smoke is of serious concern.

so want to move.

found a few cool places to go check out this weekend.

well i think i might finish up now.


well i can't remember much about what day it actually is. although i know its thursday.

yesterday was wednesday and i worked at chiminea shop. it was boring but i did get to watch the rest of this seasons of The sopranos.

for those of you watching it.... its good.

really good.

but also the funniest thing happened to my laptop...and by funny i mean i'm so angry i could spit.

i turned it on and it said..."hey, you know how you have shortcuts on the desktop? well they're all Fucked!"

and i said to my laptop, her name is Fifi " what do you mean 'Fucked'?"

and Fifi said "well go on try to click on a chortcut and see what happens"

and so i did and nothing worked..... it just said stuff like "when you say you want to go to windows media player...what do you mean?"

and so nothing worked. so i thought that maybe i could manually go into the properties and fix the target files for the shortcuts. and the first one i did it for was eudora.

and i was very happy coz it worked.

so then i went to the kazaa shortcut and instead of being fucked it went to eudora.

and then i checked the start menu and discovered that now everything went to eudora.

microsoft word = eudora
microsoft excell= eudora
dialup connection= eudora

fucked fucked fucked.

so matt stayed up half the night trying to fix it.. but its still broken.

so he's imaged he harddrive and put it back to factory settings

did i mention i was soooooooooo angry i could punch eyes?

so angry i could projectile vomit?

sooooo angry.

stoopid bloody buggery mutherfucking piece of giant poo

Tuesday, June 17, 2003


i've had a shit-hole of a day.

wait..that doesn't describe the crapness of the day....

there were tears... there was crying and sobbing and general unhappiness.

why was i so distraught...coz i am so torn about the whole job vs job thing STILL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i feel so sick in my stomach.

i still haven't told the perfume dudes that i have this new job...or htat i've applied for another job.....or anything much other than that i need more $ and that i might apply for another job.

and i feel like i'm being ungrateful and dis-loyal and mostly i feel like i'm really letting them down.

i know i've been over this before...a million times at that....but i really do think that they need me,

not for the conceited reasons...but mostly coz they keep ttelling me as much....

so i was a total mess...coz mr perfume gave me a talk about the future of perfume and how i was part of their plan etc etc.

and i started hypoventilating right then.....

just got worse as the day went along.. til finally it was time to go home and i was so worked up that i couldn't get on a tram..and ended up working most of the way home

i had called Matt by this stage and he jumped in a cab and came to rescue me.

so we went home, i fell apart some more.... then we went for a walk and took the puppies to the vet for a check up.

i feel better, but the problem is still there.

i think i might fake that i'm moving back to perth and change my phone numbers and just pretend i've disappeared.


i'm weak as piss.

Sunday, June 15, 2003

oh. does anyone have pics of the fire that burnt down hillary's boat harbour?!?!?

i have had a great night.

great day even.

katy and stacey have been reall lovely house guests. in fact it has been really fun.

we went to lunch at shanghai dumplings and then caught the house and carriage (the really fancy carieage that looks like a royal fancy thing) to the vic markets.

we split up for a while. I bought some new underwear and a new coat. my coat is chocolate brown and has a hood and paddington bear buttons. ok ok so it is a paddington bear coat......but i like it.. casmir/wool blend and its scotch guarded.

then we met back up cought the tram home and had a nap.

stacey went to stay with her friend....but katy is staying with us,

so we took it easy... matt and i watched another epside of the sopranos....then we got ready to go out. i went upstairs and talked Scott into coming out with us. he had been drnking for a while already and was totally keen for antics

i rang hamish... he piked at first but then changed his mind and met us at Ginger!!

we matt, katy scott and I all caught a tram into the city then another out to brunswick st.

went straight to ginger.

stacey met us there and then hamish joined us.

we all had a couple cocktails.

it was their 2nd birthday so there were very very good DJ's and free snakcs and the usual quality cocktails.

had 2 cocktails and 2 shooters.

the shooters were tops!!!!

then we walked all the way down to Vege Out. but the food was all finished and looked icky so we walked back up the street and ended up having Afghan food from the Afghen gallery.

we sat upstairs, inder the tents.

it was cool

we ordered some food and white and red wines and had a very lovely evening.

chatting and eating ad drinking.

lots of stories were told.

stacey is going to come to see the dixie chicks with me in september.

i'm really looking forward to it actuallly.

clea just spewed.

but anyway.....cocktails, afghen food and good company... makes for the perfect evening.!

love to you all....ope you've all had an equallyl ovely time
