the blog of a life-time

the rants that saved my life

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

if the crap that passes as music doesn't quite do it for you may have a solution for you!!!

seriously - how do people come up with this stuff??

a vibrator that plugs into your discman or ipod !!!!!

Brilliant when you think about it :p

Thursday, September 02, 2004

The Empty Bowl - The Definitive Source For All Your Cereal News if you love cereal - this is the go

Monday, August 16, 2004

Joan of Arcadia - TV Series - TV Tome

this is the best site i've found in ages... and Joan of Arcadia had replaced Buffy as y favourite tv show - ven if they don't show it in Australia and i have to keep downloading it.

Saturday, May 15, 2004

Check this out dudes..the royal wedding
Matty and I went to fed square this morning and hung out with some very enthusiastic Danish folk and watching the wedding of Mary of tasmania and Prince frederick of Denmark.

I do love a good fairy tale.

I had a coffee this morning also. Which I hardly ever do and I paid for it. I was speeding off my head for like 5 hours. All bejiggerty and nauseous. But it wore off after lunch.

We had lunch with Hamish and Ilsa at blue sky cafe in china town.

I'm a bit distracted at the moment - I'm watching survivor all stars and I'm waiting to Rupert to win the million bucks....

I LOVE survivor. Can't wait for the next season to start.

anyway... Check out the royal wedding pics.

checkya later dudes

Monday, May 10, 2004

this is my new blog.
and by new i mean pink.

i have a headache.

but other than that.. nothing much new

work is still work. home is still home.

its all good.

i have a rant sitting just below the surface..... so i think i'll be writting more soon

going to watch he survivor finally now

Thursday, March 04, 2004

well its been a while since i blogged.

no good reason, just haven't been in the mood.

I'm late for work today.. due to some over sleeping and a certain husband with time managements issues.

Moomba is this weekend...

I'm at work and i have no real desiret o share at this moment.

Friday, January 02, 2004

First just so you know.... I'm listening to the Cure (pornography to be precise)....A sure fire sign that everything is NOT a-ok.

I don't know how many times I have said this but I really hate people.

cept Matt and my dogs

ok so I don't really hate everyone, I'm just upset

how the fuck does this shit happen when I'm 27 years old and 10 years out of high school?!?

I got a call from a friend of mine all in tears coz apparently another so called friend of hers, and I thought mine, had said that I had said mean stuff to this other friends mother


what the motherfuck is this bullshit?

so now I'm all fired up to yell at people and I have no one to yell at coz the person I want to yell at isn't home and besides all that I have this terrible fear that its all my fault somehow.

I just got this memory of watching Madonna on Oprah...Talking about Kabala an how we get what we deserve... Whether good or bad - its yours to own and accept and take responsibility for

so its January 2nd of a brand spanking new year that was going pretty well and its all got crap on it now.

big deep breathe.

I'm a little bit over a lot of things.

I think I need to make some new years resolutions.

1. Learn 2 new musical instruments
2. Learn 2 new skills
3. Be nicer.

I think I'm just really bored.

or at least highly unfulfilled in the life purpose area of my life.

I mean I have so much good stuff going on - husband house job health family pets money and a hammock - so really I have nothing to want for......


what ever

I can lose myself in Chinese art and American girls

I'm over it.

cept I'm not.

so I'm feeling very sorry for myself - that's obvious.

but how do you fix it?

listing to the cure isn't helping as much as I thought it would.

I'm thinking of moving to Iceland.

I've been wanting to go there for a long time

I'm just not sure about what there dog quarantine rules are.... And besides that Io would freeze.

I'm babbling shit.


the stupid thing is that I'd just kinda gotten over the fact that I have to give up on the idea that my friends - my girlfriends from Perth - are never going to be the same kind of friends as they were before.

its not like we can just hang out and have a drink or go shopping or justwatch TV and eat chocolate when one of us is having a bad day or cry into our wine or laugh till we cry or any of that.

and I'm sad about it.

I feel like they've all died or something.

that I'm fucked myself over

that its all my fault coz I wanted to get out of Perth and live the high life....

so I guess this is my payoff.

I was just saying how everything has a price....And its apparently very true.

fucking fuck fuck shit

why is it so hard?

I've become one of those people I've always despised... The ones that don't do the right thing coz its easier to just let it go or even worse its less effort to just ruin something that fix it.

the human cost is of no consequence.

how did I get so detached? So unfeeling and desensitized?

its frightening.

but what's worse is that I' not sure how to come back from this.

how do you get your humanity back?

saying sorry or sending a card

dear friend,

I'm sending you this letter to let you know that I'm sorry our friendship has turned into less than a shadow of what it was.

I'm sending this letter to you all to say that I don't think its acceptable that we are no longer as close as we were.

Though I realize that shit happens, its really no excuse for not calling, writing or visiting to show you in real terms that I consider you a valuable person and an important part of my life.

I'm writing all this in the hope that maybe in some way we can perhaps begin to make steps towards a new kind of friendship and again be involved in eachothers lives - in whatever way.

So as part of my new year's resolve, I firstly want to say SORRY that I haven't written, called or visited. Sorry that I let things slip and slip til it was easier to just keep letting things slip that to call write or visit.

But I'm not stupid - I know this isn't a magic bullet. This isn't sposed to turn back time and make everything ok.

this is letter to say I miss you.

I love you and I miss you.

to let you know that I sometimes like to think about all the fun we used to have, the things we got up to and mostly all the laughs....

I just feel lonely sometime and I miss that when I really want a girlfriend, I don't have anyone to watch bold and the beautiful with and eat donuts.

that's all I wanted to say.
